Monday, February 1, 2010

Growing Up

It seems like my children have all "grown up" all of a sudden. I have noticed differences that make me realize my babies are hitting new stages.

Lochlan has taken to making breakfast for him and his sisters lately. Although he has done this before, he has progressed... he used to just get cereal and milk for everyone but has moved onto cutting, toasting, buttering english muffins as well. He has even given porridge a crack (successful but a bit messy). At the same time he helped his baby sister get off her nappy when she proclaimed "poop potty!". Mark and I listened to it from our bed. Really sweet. He made his bed this morning as well. I haven't shown him how to do it and he did a pretty good job I must say. Getting older and taking responsibility.

Miah likes to help dress her sister in the morning. She's become the mother hen and loves look after her little sister. She also sudsed up her legs in the bath tonight and used Loc's play razor to shave (oh oh!). She loves to set the table for dinner and help in any way she can.

Olivia is potty trained and doing fabulous. My quickest yet. I have to say I'm glad the hardest was first and the easiest was last. I hate potty training! She talks constantly and I am amazed with some of the things she comes out with. Like laying blame on her sister! Her vocabulary is growing all the time. She takes on everything her siblings do without a thought that maybe it just isn't going to work out. She's a cheeky spitfire!

Here are some pics of my "big kids".