Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Vacation in Somerset

Last week we went on vaction in Somerset with some friends. It was a very British vacation and we had a great time. We went to a family resort called Butlins in Minehead. We were able to stay at Blueskies apartments with a waterfront view and backing onto the resort. By resort I mean amusement park rides, water park and all day shows/live entertainment. We went non-stop and the kids had a great time, so did we. The British are very into theatre, shows, live enterntainment and it was very prevalent there. Mark and I were saying how you don't see that much in Canada. It's too bad really because it's a lot of fun.

On our last full day we went into town and rode on a steam engine to another town where we trekked it to a farm house with animals, sand pit and toys, gift shop, pub and of course tea room. We had creamed tea and the kids played and fed the animals. The weather alternated between pouring and sunny, but we somehow managed to time it so that we were always sheltered during the rain. So thanks to Rhonda and Matt because we had a fantastic time! L

Entertaining Kids

Our weather has been less than ideal lately. So what do you do with three kids at home when it rains constantly? Answer: turn your living room into a great big fort with a chalkboard for drawing in the middle. Then you snuggle up and "nap" in it. Then of course there is the picnic in it. ie. You spend the entire morning under a pile of blankets in your living room. It never ceases to amaze me what kids find entertaining. Now on a sunny day you give them cups and a kiddy pool filled with water and oh a bucket. Your thinking swimming/splashing whatever, right. Wrong. They spend two hours filling the bucket with water from the pool til you drag them in at 6:45 pm for supper. There was a bit of a water fight and the bucket did move locations but still! Anyway, here are some pics of the kids doing what it is that makes them tick. L

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


A better blog will come soon. In the mean time, a cute photo of Olivia and a video of her babbling away...

And here is the video...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wonderful Visit

Glenda, Paul, and Kaeleigh (my sister, her fiance and niece) left on Friday after a two week visit. They were the first of my family to visit us here and the only ones to date to meet Olivia. It was great! We did some maxing and relaxing, some touring and lots of wedding planning. It's official, Glenda and Paul are getting married on July 11th, 2009 at the Alverton in Truro, Cornwall. The venue, photographer, flowers and cake are all booked. We even found a dress for myself and Miah. It's what I like to call power planning!

The kids loved Kaeleigh and miss her now that she's gone. She's grown a lot and has matured as well. She's going to make a great babysitter. It was nice to see the kids have such a good time together.

We had a great time and we we're very sad to see them go. Here's some pics from their time here.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The sun is exploding!

If you are interested at all in astromomy, here is a picture of what our sun will look like when it explodes 5 billion years from now:

I can hardly believe that this is a real photo...

Take care,


Friday, August 1, 2008

8 Mos. Old

Olivia turned eight months on Monday. Four more months and she'll be a year...WOW! She's had a busy past month. She got her first two teeth, crawled backwards not long after turning 7 mos. and then crawled forward a couple weeks later. She also can pull herself up and talks (babbles) alot more. Her vocab includes mama now which Daddy was proud to say previuosly only included his name, not mine. She's working on her front two top teeth and I don't think they'll be long...bring on the steak! Rather than that she's extremely alert and busy. She's also a great eater, nothing so far that she won't eat. I may get lucky. So here's some pics and a movie of our happy little babe!