Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Entertaining Kids

Our weather has been less than ideal lately. So what do you do with three kids at home when it rains constantly? Answer: turn your living room into a great big fort with a chalkboard for drawing in the middle. Then you snuggle up and "nap" in it. Then of course there is the picnic in it. ie. You spend the entire morning under a pile of blankets in your living room. It never ceases to amaze me what kids find entertaining. Now on a sunny day you give them cups and a kiddy pool filled with water and oh a bucket. Your thinking swimming/splashing whatever, right. Wrong. They spend two hours filling the bucket with water from the pool til you drag them in at 6:45 pm for supper. There was a bit of a water fight and the bucket did move locations but still! Anyway, here are some pics of the kids doing what it is that makes them tick. L

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