Friday, November 23, 2007

What's New

First to answer the ever asked question now.... no baby yet. This is by the farthest I've gone and as the English say I'm gobsmacked. However, I am 39 weeks today so one way or another it will be here soon! The baby is doing well and moves a lot.

Since we last posted Mark and I managed to have a romantic evening for two, we celebrated Bonfire night and we have finally had frost for the first time - today. Mark's parents were nice enough to look after the kids for an evening while we escaped to a beautiful B&B on the ocean, fantastic! We went for supper and enjoyed some quite time.

November 5 is bonfire night here, celebrating the demise of the "blowing up" of the parliament buildings by a bloke named Guy Fawkes in 1605. Hence they have bonfires and set off loads of fire works. We set some off in our back yard (it's allowed & almost encouraged here, far cry from home) and saw MANY other displays.

As I said we had our first frost today much to our surprise it actually hit 0°C. The weather has been mild with a low of about 2°C so far and that has been uncommon. It kind of makes you homesick, almost:>

Rather than that the kids are doing well. Lochlan is still enjoying preschool, having made new friends and Miah is talking up a storm. We've had a round of a cold and the stomach flu go through the house, but I figure it's good to have over before the baby comes.

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