Howdy all...
I am not one to make fun (yeah right..!) or "take the mick" as they say here, but it has come to my attention that Ottawa (our last home of 6 years) has had a record snowfall of 4 meters! I mowed the lawn two weeks ago. :) Truth be told, I do miss the snow because winter is a season that does not really exist here. That might sound good, but trust me, snow can really brighten things up where the rain can be pretty dreary at times. We had a crazy storm here on Monday... winds around 80 Mph... I took a look at the ocean and it was so rough (I figure at least 30 ft waves) that it was literally making me nauseous.
I joined the surf club and for 20 GBP and got a surfboard and wetsuit for the year... luckily I have a neighbour who surfs a lot and should prevent my certain death (little known but true fact is the last two times I went surfing I had to be rescued, and the very last time the guy who first attempted to rescue me also had to be rescued by a guy who swam out to us with a rope tied to his car on the beach...)
So, we are enjoying the Brit weather and I bought some doo-hickey that mounts on the back of my bike so Lochlan can get dragged along with me. Pictures of that, although for some reason in those photos I look like I weight 200 pounds...
The most exciting thing for us is our upcoming trip to Ireland. On March 29th we will be driving over to the "other island". Our goal is to get around both the south and north, but as I found out here in Cornwall it can take 2 hours to drive 60 miles so we will do our best. Hopefully when we get near Dublin we will be able to scoot off to Navan which is where Theresa Gunther (family friend) grew up. For me, as long as I get to the Guiness Brewery and Bushmills Irish Whiskey Plants I will be happy...
To any of you thinking of visiting us out here... I was checking out the internet recently and it was cheaper to fly to London from Ottawa that it was to fly to Saskatoon... come on out and you will be well looked after!!!
I hope this finds you all well. We have been out of Canada for almost 8 months now, and we do miss all of you very much.
P.S. Our KD stock is getting critically low. If anyone wants to mail some out here, let me know and I will send you a cheque!!!
P.S.S. Clay and Ev... I will need to put in my duty free order soon for it to arrive for your trip out here... if you have any special requests (other than Crown obviously) let me know so I can set it up.