Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Mothering Sunday (AKA Mother's Day)

Today was Mother's Day in the U.K. A bit earlier than Canada (strangely Father's Day is on the same day). A nice day all in all... we went down to the wardroom for Sunday Carvery (roast beef and roast pork), and they had an inflatable bouncy castle set up for the kids to play with. Needless to say both are sleeping soundly right now. We had tea (supper) at Matt and Rhonda's place, and enjoyed a mellow evening. A nice change from yesterday where I attempted to hang 2 blinds. Three hours seemed enough, but I was proven very, very wrong. Alledgedly, the blinds could be "cut to size". This was I guess technically true because anyone with a plasma cutter in their garage would have handled the task handily. This mixed with the instructions (yes I do look at the instructions, ever since the "Ikea Incident") that were obviously written by someone who's english was their 4th language at best, and also I might add applicable to a different style of blind made the activity drag on a bit longer than it should have. I have also learned that "blackout blind" actually means "moderately but still dicernibly light-reducing blind". All good fun! Anyways, happy Mother's day to all the moms out there! M

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