Friday, February 29, 2008

3 Months Old!

Yesterday, Olivia turned three months old, time is flying! She is healthy and growing. She had her second set of shots on Monday and weighs 11 lbs. 9 oz. She now measures almost 23.5 inches, which means she has gained 1.75 lbs and 1.25 inches. Needless to say she is eating well! She's a pretty content baby and does all the normal stuff, cooing, giggles and the lastest and greatest lay on her stomach and look around. She's quite nosy so laying flat doesn't cut it anymore!
Lochlan and Miah are well. Lochlan attended a friends bday party on Sun. and seems to be growing older all the time. Hard to believe he starts school in the fall! He still loves his books and is quite the little runner. He is turning into a quiet (well outside of home) but affectionate little boy.

I wonder somedays if I will make through to Miah's teenage years and shudder to think what that will bring. She has started to throw regular tantrums and "assert herself" with No being a regular word. I seriously think it's a gene attached to the red hair. She however does has a soft side and can be warm and funny. She also talks a mile a minute and picked up a Brit accent on some words such as Mummy and No. It's quite bizarre to hear it come from your own child!

Here are some pics and a couple of movies I thought were cute. L

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