Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Olivia's Baptism

Well, it has been a busy week/weekend. Mark made it home safe and sound Thurs. night. Fri. night we hired a sitter and celebrated Robbie Burns night a week late with our neighbour from Edinburough. We had haggis from Scotland and other traditional dishes. Very tasty! Sat. I attended a girls night and Sunday Olivia was baptised. The ceremony was lovely, albeit short, as it was done after mass instead of during mass as is traditional. The priest is a dodgey sort of bloke and had his own ideas about things. However, our neighbours John and Fran, Simon and Tracey and Canadians Keith and Mandy attended. John acted as proxy Godparent as Jeff and Heather (my brother and sister-in-law)couldn't make it. It turned out to be a really nice event with a luncheon at our place afterwards.

Things are a little more normal this week and I'm trying to catch up on laundry. It is GORGEOUS here today, sunny and plus 12 in the shade. There is a long weekend here this week with Fri. and Mon. off so Mark and I are thinking we may do some local exploring, check out some of the touristy stuff. The kids are doing well, keeping busy and keeping us busy! Here are some pics of our babe in her beautiful dress that Nana made and a video of her cooing another day. Our neighbours took pictures of the ceremony and I haven't received them yet. I'll post a few later. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely dress on a beautiful baby. Congratulations!