Olivia turned 10 mos old on Sunday. She's growing well. She weighs 17lbs 2oz. and is 28 1/4" tall. She's small but mighty! She has six teeth now and it has changed her appearance, she looks older, more toddlerish and less baby. Her hair is grown long enough that I've started pinning back her fringe with a barrett. Otherwise it gets coated in food and hangs in her eyes! It's kind of bazarre as I don't even pin Miah's back, but then her hair is curly. I checked Miah's baby book and it turns out Olivia and Miah weighed exactly the same to the ounce at 9 mos. There was a 1/4" difference in height but that's it! Olivia has taken her first steps but still prefers to crawl as she is much faster at it. She started waving hello and bye a few weeks ago and is much more vocal about what she wants! She is also eating more on her own and loves to feed herself. I'm going to start her on cows milk soon and start weening her. She's not a big fan of bottles but is good with a straw cup or a beaker, so I'm hoping it goes OK. Rather than that she's still our busy, happy babe. Here she is:
Thursday, October 2, 2008
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1 comment:
Hi to all from Langenburg,
Hate to say this Mark but Olivia sure looks like her mom!!
Love to all,
Auntie Elsie
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