Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas is coming (soon?)

Yep, our Christmas tree is up. Don't make fun... only 23 days before we are going back to Canada, so for us it is up right on time. Nothing else yet, but I am sure we will remedy that soon (little known fact that Laura used to date Santa Claus...) It will be nice going back, as it was never a tradition for me to mow the lawn to make the house look good for Christmas, but here it is a different story. Last weekend was nice... we went down to Praa (pronounced "prae") sands beach, and were lucky to hit a low tide. Went for a nice walk that Maggie really enjoyed as dogs are allowed off-leash on the beaches after October. Had lunch at a the restaurant (pub) on the beach... you definitely pay for the view and not the food! I was away a bit last week for work... a management "hug-in" where we slept in a barn and ate only things that were alive no less than 3 days earlier on said farm. Oh well, anything that includes free beer can't be all bad! It seems that we were lucky enough to get hit by a cold and stomach flu bug simultaneously. I am the only survivor! Must be the strong Ukranian genes :) I would say that the kids and family are good, but all of them are either coughing, puking, or, well, doing a number 2 a bit faster than the rest of us... but next week will be better! Laura is looking forward to her trip, and I am starting to prepare myself for a week alone with the kids... I can't complain myself... I managed to get attached to a Royal Navy "adventure training" trip to Bavaria, where we will go skiing/mountain climbing in the alps at the low, low price of zero for a week...

BTW, if you see the last few shots on the slideshow, wouldn't you agree that I am crazy lucky to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world!!! Other than that, number 3 is improving her walking abilities. I should feel pretty guilty because with Lochlan, I basically documented, by video, every day of the first year of his life... poor Olivia is lucky to act in a movie more than once a month. Anyways, the video at the bottom is of her yesterday. Hope all is well with you. M

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