Monday, February 2, 2009

Birthdays, Plays and Christmas Markets

Happy New Year Everyone! I know a little late considering it's already Feb. but better late than never. I'm a little behind on the blogging so I'm going to try and do a bit of catch up.

Dec. was a busy month for us(isn't for everyone?), Mark turned 33, Lochlan was in his first Christmas school production and of course the usually parties and decorating. We had a quiet family celebration for Mark's bday. Lochlan helped me make his cake (one of the few that will cook in this oven)and we had a scallop dinner. Lochlan did great at his performances (he was a shepherd)! He really has come a long way. Our shy little boy sang and did actions and even smiled. It was really cute to see, I was a proud Mommy. Here are some pics below.

I also went on a trip to Belgium, the Nertherlands and Germany to see the Christmas markets. I went with Mandy (another Canadian down the street). It was fab! We stayed in Valkenburg, Netherlands and did day trips to the other places visiting Brugge, Belgium on the way home. My favourite markets were probably German: Monschau and Aachen, but I would love to go back and visit Brugge, what a beautiful medieval city. Maastricht, Netherlands had great shopping. Valkenburg (where we stayed) had two Christmas markets in caves with displays which depicted a story about elves which they gave you when you entered. Neat, but I didn't find the products nearly as nice. Valkenburg also had a spa (with mulitple pools - not hot mind you) and lots of restaurants/stalls with Deutsch food. On my trip I also discovered Kriek, cherry beer (Belgium) - yummy! Overall a fantastic experience and lots of fun! Kudos to Mark as well as he had the three kids on his own (for the first time)for 5 days and two out of three ended up getting sick. Thanks sweetie!
(To see my comments go into the album by double clicking on the pictures.)

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