Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Miah!

OK so her birthday was actually the April 22 but I've been a bit slack in blogging. As her birthday landed on a Wednesday we had a picnic at the duck pond and had cupcakes instead of a birthday cake. The weather cooperated and the kids had a great time. We then had a birthday party for her on Sat. It was a princess theme so the kids all made their own crowns, played pin the crown on the princess and pass the parcel. Followed by food and cake and everyone was happy.

Miah has started what I call the pink princess phase, which every little girl I've known goes through. The more frilly/sparkly the better, she loves the princesses and Dora and of course her favourite colour is pink. She still loves to colour and draw and do crafts and loves the parc. She partakes in "mynastics", Todlins (singing and dancing) and swimming whenever I can get her there. She will start preschool in the fall a few mornings a week and it will be really good for her. She is quite social and enjoys constant activity. So here are some pictures of our little princess. I've also included some pictures from Easter holidays and a robins nest that a bird built in pushchair in the garage. Unfortunately a cat got it. L

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