Monday, September 7, 2009

Dan and Victoria's Wedding

A week after my sister's wedding we were lucky enough to attend the wedding of a longtime friend of Mark's. Dan's wife is Swedish so that is where the wedding was held. My Mom and Dad were nice/brave enough to watch our children so we went sans kids. We spent our first day/night in Stockholm and then headed to Lovstabruk where the wedding was held. We then had one more day of touring before our plane left that night. A great weekend! It was really cool to take part in a Swedish wedding and everyone was extremely friendly and spoke great English. Here are some photos, I put some captions below some of the pictures so that you would know what your looking at, however they don't show on the slide show, just in the album. It kind of reminded us of Canada (the land in the rural areas).

1 comment:

Prairiekids said...

Hey Laura, Awesome photos. I like the caption idea, so I did the same thing on the Camping trip post.
