Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Two Years Old!

Olivia turned 2 on November 28th. As we already had a party when Grandma and Grandpa were here, we had a melow day and some leftover (frozen) cake. What to say about our Olivia. She's 2 going on 20. She talks a mile a minute, tries everything her siblings do and accomplishes most of it and absolutely will not be ignored, even if it involves screaming...which it usually does. She doesn't sleep much, although sleeps well at night unless she has napped then we have an early wake up call. One morning it was 4:30 am ... for the day. She's cheeky, cute and knows it. One of her favourite sayings is NO WAY. She's still small weighing about 24 pounds. She likes Dora and loves the park. She adores her siblings and wants to do everything they do. She's our blond haired blue eyed bombshell! Here she is: L

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