Thursday, March 27, 2008

Four Months Old!

This will be the last time I blog for a while as we are heading to Ireland today. Olivia turns 4 months tomorrow so I thought I'd give a little update. She weighs 12lbs 10 oz. and is 24.5". In other words she is growing nicely. She's a happy little girl and is quite nosey. She has worn the hair off the back of her head from looking around and loves to interact with people. She rolls from front to back easily now and has almost made it from back to front. She is drooling and chews on her fingers quite a bit. I wonder if she'll be different from the othe two and get her teeth early, like her Dad. Rather than that she's just cute and cuddly!

Yesterday the kids and I went to to Traverno Gardens to check them out, something to do. Not too far from here it is an estate with beautiful gardens, a cool park and a nature trail.... and a very cool "tea room". The kids enjoyed the park, peacock, and fountains and I enjoyed the scenerey. All in all, fun for everyone. Too bad Daddy had to work!
Here are a couple pics of the babe and some of our adventure (as Lochlan called it).



Prairiekids said...

OK, We've looked these photos over so many time!!! Get on with it and get the pictures from you trip on the blog. We are dying to see them. Ev

The Kotzer Family said...

Done and done!

Most of the photos are on the web album though...